The College of Engineering initiative expanded engineering education access to meet rising demand for engineers in Texas and beyond.

The state-approved Society, Ethics and Law major is for students interested in professions such as law, fundraising and community service.

The list includes seven academic units that previously held the “college” label, as well as the new College of Performance, Visualization and Fine Arts.

The unique, hands-on course gives students an opportunity to make real decisions and see the benefits of effective philanthropy, said instructor Kyle Gammenthaler.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice is the first doctoral degree to be offered by the College of Nursing.

The Fort Worth-based law school is closing out 2020 with increased rankings, more interest from legal employers and the highest bar exam pass rate in the state.

The transition of the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies will be effective Jan. 1, 2021.

The program will train students in the field of space radiation effects testing.

Move-in, classes, football games and more will look different when students, faculty and staff return to campus later this month.

Organizers hope the new course will help students be better equipped with the skills necessary to critically analyze science presented in media.