Texas A&M researchers are creating advanced mapping technologies to further the evolution of autonomous vehicles.

Texas A&M is one of six universities collaborating with NASA to teach dog-like robots to navigate on challenging surfaces to better prepare for planetary exploration.

Researchers at Texas A&M are determining if it's possible for semi-autonomous vehicles to interpret situations in a way resembling the human decision-making process.

The contract from the Army Research Laboratory will support autonomous vehicle research at the Bush Combat Development Complex.

Researchers at Texas A&M will use brain imaging and neuroergonomics to examine trust in automation and driving behavior.

Texas A&M’s Reveille Racing team will compete in a driverless-car race in October, but donations are needed to make the dream come true.

Each racecar in the challenge will be programmed to maneuver the track, obstacles and other competitors in pursuit of $1.5 million in rewards.

They identified 32 transportation-related risk factors that affect health.