The US News 2024 Best Online Programs finds three of Texas A&M’s programs among the nation’s Top 10 and nine that lead the state.

The Departments of Mathematics and Statistics will hold its annual fair on Feb. 24 with games, crafts, magic and learning.

Texas A&M announces the 2024 University Distinguished Professors with members whose work demonstrates the university’s strengths.

George T. Ligler has been selected to serve on the Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences Committee, providing insights on national science and technology policy.

The highest professional distinction awarded solely to inventors, this year’s honor belongs to faculty in engineering and public health.

Mathematician Jeffrey Kuan is working to remove barriers to mathematics degrees that often stand in the way of students with disabilities.

Faculty from six colleges and schools will hold the award title for life and receive a stipend to support enhanced learning.

Michael Davila ‘23, who graduated this week, was instructed by the same professor who taught his mom back in 1994.

The award recognizes Texas A&M faculty and staff who display outstanding commitment to the development of student character.

The awards recognize employees who have made extraordinary contributions to their university or agency, and to the people of Texas.