The deputy superintendent of the Texas A&M Maritime Academy describes the ship pilot's role in avoiding deadly collisions like the Baltimore shipping container crash.

Dr. Sarah McNamara examined three generations of Latinas/os as they organized against fascism and Jim Crow. 

The San Angelo native who earned a degree in English from Texas A&M has gone on to dozens of series and film roles, plus one “royal” wedding.

Professor at Texas A&M's Large Animal Teaching Hospital leads a team of volunteers in caring for the 18,000 livestock animals at the annual show.

The center's annual resource fair provides families with a centralized place to find a support network and information about community organizations.

In a talk at Texas A&M’s Bush School, historian Phillips O’Brien said the Russian invasion, now in its third year, raises a number of difficult questions about military power in the 21st century.

Known as the “Birthplace of Texas,” the Texas Historical Commission site is undergoing a major renovation under the direction of site manager and Texas A&M graduate Jonathan Failor.

While recent wars have sparked speculation about an ensuing global conflict, military scholars say comparisons to past world wars are largely overblown.

A Texas A&M professor joins colleagues in asserting that students, especially the poorest, are being hurt by draining school budgets.

Director Robert Santos met with students, faculty and staff to discuss the critical role of data in policymaking, journalism and other areas.