NIH, Ford Foundation Honor Texas A&M Postdoctoral Researcher With Grant And Fellowship

By Research Communications and Public Relations
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Ford Foundation have selected Alfredo Erazo-Oliveras, a postdoctoral research associate in Texas A&M University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, to receive an NIH research award and a Ford fellowship.
Erazo-Oliveras conducts research in the college’s Program in Integrative Nutrition and Complex Diseases laboratory. The lab is led by Robert S. Chapkin, University Distinguished Professor, Regents Fellow and AgriLife Senior Faculty Fellow in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science.
“With these honors, both the NIH and the Ford Foundation recognize the quality of Dr. Eraza-Oliveras’ work as well as the promise he shows as a scholar, a researcher and a teacher,” Chapkin said. “Awards like these play a vital role in encouraging our best and brightest postdocs to pursue their research and contribute to the advancement of science. These honors also help to foster badly needed diversity in the U.S. research community.”
The NIH chose Erazo-Oliveras for its National Cancer Institute Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Postdoctoral Award, which will provide $315,205 over three years. With this award, Erazo-Oliveras will investigate certain molecular mechanisms that affect how tumors are produced in the digestive tract.
The Ford Foundation selected Erazo-Oliveras for a 2017 postdoctoral fellowship administered by the National Academies. He will receive a $45,000 stipend for one year as well as funds to attend the annual national Conference of Ford Fellows in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in May 2018. Additionally, he will gain access to Ford Fellow Regional Liaisons, a network of former Ford fellows who have volunteered to provide mentoring and support to current fellows.
Media contact: Robert S. Chapkin, University Distinguished Professor, Regents Fellow, and AgriLife Senior Faculty Fellow in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, (979) 845-4426,