Campus Life

Aggie Undergrads To Put Their Research On Display At Upcoming Symposium

Student researchers will present their work at LAUNCH‘s sixth annual Symposium for the Undergraduate Research Scholars.

attendees of the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Texas A&M University LAUNCH: Undergraduate Research will hold the sixth annual Undergraduate Research Scholars Symposium in the Memorial Student Center on Feb. 22.

This symposium showcases undergraduate researchers in the LAUNCH Undergraduate Research Scholars (URS) thesis program. The event features poster and oral presentations by undergraduate researchers in a variety of disciplines.

Through the program, undergraduates gain graduate student-level experience as they participate in research, produce a professional document and communicate theirfindings as primary authors to the university’s academic community. Past research topics have ranged from meat product prices to medical devices to creative writing.

The LAUNCH URS Symposium fulfills the URS thesis program requirement for students to present their research findings at a professional research venue. Students will receive constructive feedback about their research projects and presentation skills from faculty, staff, post-docs and graduate students who have been invited to be active listeners.

Undergraduate students from all disciplines are encouraged to attend the LAUNCH URS Symposium to learn more about how to get involved in research at Texas A&M University.

The symposium is divided into morning and afternoon blocks of poster and oral sessions:

Morning Sessions (Poster and Oral)

  • 9-10 a.m.
  • 10:15-11:15 a.m.

Afternoon Sessions (Poster and Oral)

  • 1-2 p.m.
  • 2:15-3:15 p.m.
  • 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Sessions will occur in MSC 2300 A-E (Bethancourt Ballrooms):

  • Oral sessions are concurrent in MSC 2300 A, B, D, and E
  • Poster sessions are in MSC 2300 C

The event is free and open to the campus and community. View the schedule and abstract book at

Learn more about the Undergraduate Research Scholars thesis program at