A poultry expert explains what you should know when selecting your turkey this Thanksgiving.
Texas A&M AgriLife experts provide tips on storing and reheating leftovers, plus ideas for what to do with all that turkey.
Despite the stresses that sometimes accompany the holiday, a Texas A&M psychology professor says taking time to be thankful can help us feel a greater sense of meaning in our lives.
A house full of guests can be stressful for pets; a Texas A&M veterinarian provides tips to keep pets calm and safe.
Let The Thaw Begin: How To Safely Prepare Your Thanksgiving Turkey
Nov 14, 2023 • 5 min. readTexas A&M AgriLife offers expert guidelines for thawing and cooking your turkey — and saving those delicious leftovers.
Avian Influenza Not Expected To Disrupt Thanksgiving Turkey Prices And Stock
Nov 9, 2023 • 2 min. readWith the holiday approaching, a Texas A&M poultry scientist says its still best to buy your bird early in case of future price increases.
The saucy science of a Thanksgiving classic.
Chef Luke Rayford has cooked at Texas A&M dining hall for 34 years. In addition to serving thousands of Aggies every day, he cooks turkeys for hundreds of local families every Thanksgiving.
Costs are up for baking ingredients and basic grocery products, says a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension economist.
A professor of history explains that most modern Thanksgiving traditions began in the mid-19th century, more than two centuries after the Pilgrims’ first harvest celebration.