The program will provide scholarships and internships and a pipeline for careers with the NSA for students.

Ramy Rady has designed a chip that can revolutionize the current data rate for processors and technologies such as smartphones and laptops.

The partnership will include a teaching exchange program between the two campuses.

The awards honor outstanding contributions in research or teaching.

Courtney Kunselman and Niki Tataria have been honored for outstanding contributions to their fields.

The endowment was created to honor the late Carol J. Cantrell. Funds will be used to create scholarships for graduate students.

From her start as a first-gen freshman, Alaya Keane is now a doctoral student conducting research to improve the environment.

The Office of Graduate and Professional Studies will host virtual events including awards presentations and an address from Associate Provost Karen Butler-Purry.

The Phil Gramm Fellowships are awarded annually to current doctoral students for excellence in both research and teaching.

Virtual event presents awards in two categories and attracts participants from across Texas A&M’s colleges and schools.